Confessions of a Cybersecurity Curmudgeon: Why We're All Doomed

Confessions of a Cybersecurity Curmudgeon: Why We’re All Doomed

The cybersecurity workforce is a thimble-sized bucket trying to hold back an ocean of threats. We’re throwing everything we’ve got at the problem – fancy AI tools, whizzy-bang security software, training programs that churn out graduates faster than a bakery makes muffins. But it’s not enough. We’re outnumbered, outgunned, and frankly, a little bit outmatched.

Professor Kimberly Bryant

Honoring Black Brilliance in IT: Celebrating Kimberly Bryant

Bryant, a professor at Howard University and a leading cybersecurity expert, stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of Black excellence in STEM. Her tireless work in researching and combating cyberattacks and cyberwarfare not only protects critical systems but also empowers future generations of cybersecurity professionals, particularly those from underrepresented communities.